Wow. Where do I even begin? There is way too much information about my past two weeks to squeeze into a post. We're gonna have to resort to the list format:
1. Moved completely out of my house. My furniture is now crammed into my parent's garage and a spare bedroom.
2. Decided that I really and truly am going to England for the next year to pursue my MA in Creative Writing. Thus the need to move out of the house and find renters, ah, ASAP. More on the the BM (Big Move), in another post.
3. Flew to LA for a whirlwind visit of some of my dearest friends ever. I got to be present when Sam broke her back...again...and enjoyed a little D-land frivolity with Ken, Beth and Ng. I was able to see sikegami and Sarah Carmen and my roommate Joy. It was great. The only thing I didn't do was go to EggPlantation for Tina's Omellette. Boo.
4. Flew from LA to the sultry land of Tennessee for family reunion. Picture Norris Lake, two houseboats, and 40 of your closest relatives. I swam and mothered all my little cousins, soaked up the sun and tried to waterski. It was great. Except for the carbon monoxide. And the cotton mouth that nearly ruined the vacation for all of us - especially Nathan.
5. I started and finished the 3rd of the CS Lewis space trilogy - That Hideous Strength, and started The Chosen by Chaim Potok.
6. I said goodbye to Zach, who's headed to Guatemala for the summer and California in the fall.
Hmmm, anything else? Well, there's loads more detail, but I'll spare you for tonight. Also, I broke my camera so pictures will be sparse and not of my own taking.
The trip was wonderful, but I'm a little overwhelmed by the busy six weeks of work ahead of me, the class that I start to teach in two weeks, and the home that sits vacant and unoccupied.
Plus I don't really know where my clothes are. I think they're in a box somewhere.