Tuesday, October 10, 2006

In a Nutshell

I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love, friendship and support that my fledgling blog and I have enjoyed these past few days. It’s so nice to be able to “give a little back” to those of you whose blogs I have enjoyed these many weeks now.

Okay, so here’s the scoop on me.
Been in Anchorage for three years (since graduation). Bought a house next door to my parents (best decision ever). Got my CPA (thought I’d be more excited about that). Really love my church, Chapel by the Sea (‘da Chapel). Really love high school ministry with those jokers for Jesus (Dustin and Tami Majtan, Matt and Amy Raper, among others). My whole fam is currently up here (and living in a one-mile radius). I am currently into knitting hedgehogs (pictures to come!!) and have been trying to write (not about hedgehogs, per se, but just writing in general).

Tune in next time when we find the answers to the blog's burning question: Way to Go...Who??


jessi said...

Thanks Ken. And I do remember.

Hey kids! You should check out Ken's blog for some sweet eschatalogical football action.

If I knew how to post links to comments then I would post a link to his. But instead, I shall just refer you to the column on the right hand side. Go Hokies!

Anonymous said...

hedgehogs?....so confused!!!
~ maura